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Chandel- Thank You for being the kind & caring groomer that you are to our babies. I know you treat them as if they were your own. That means alot to us:-) - A Loving Mom

We always make sure your pet gets everything they need to help the pet look and feel their best. These include... At no extra cost to you.

*Nails+ Buffing (gets the nails shorter than clipping, plus is safer)

*Ears Clean + Hair Removal (not on cats)

*All Natural Shampoos, inc Flea Shampoos

*Under Coat Removal (this is the hair all over your house)

*Anal Gland expression

At CJs.....You are supporting eight families and A disabled Vet.

Individual Services

Teeth Brushing $10

Nail Buffing $23

Anal Glands $15

Nail Painting $20

Hair Dye per section $40

Ear Cleaning $25

CBD Small $6

CBD Large $8

Dog Grooms + bath

$60 Small

$70 M

$90 L

$95 XL

$130 XXL

$155 XXXL

$215 XXXXL

All sizes are a  starting guide for us. We must also take into account hair type and difficulty

of breed type, difficulty of hair and pet behavior.

Baths only short hair

$35 Small

$45 M

$55 L

$65 XL

$75 XXL

Baths only- Long Hair

$55 SLBO

$65 MLBO

$80 LLBO

$100 XLLBO




$60 Bath only, short hair

$80 Grooms + bath longhair (De-matting and hair cuts are grooms)



1 Doller per min

Up size for dematting, difficult preshaves, difficult behaviors, difficult hair types, difficult breeds

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